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My delivery is missing itemsUpdated 6 months ago

Our order fulfillment process includes a double-check verification which helps us maintain our 99.9% fulfillment accuracy score. Unfortunately, there is a level of human error that can lead to mistakes 0.1% of the time.

Common "missing items"

  • Apparel
    • The majority of our apparel is made to order and ships separately from a partner facility. For reference, this is outlined on the product page, during checkout, on your order confirmation, and order history.
  • Lubricant
    • If you ordered a "setup service", we will apply lubricant to your puzzle as part of the service but you will not receive a bottle of lubricant by purchasing a setup service.
  • Small items (Logo stickers, decals, cube stands, etc.)
    • We have found that small items will occasionally fall onto the ground during the unpacking process or be left inside the package by mistake.

If you have concerns that your order is incomplete, please contact us and we will be happy to investigate.

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