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Sponsorships & Clubs

Partner with our brand.

Club discount & program

Provide us with the following information in addition to the required documents:. Our tutorial is available as a free PDF download. Verified clubs are eligible for a 15% discount to be used to order products for club use. To place a club order, pleas

Social media sponsorships

We are always searching for partnership opportunities with creators. Historically we generally work with YouTubers and social media "influencers" on Instagram, Tik Tok, and other major platforms. With that being said, if you have a good opportunity,

Speedcubing sponsorships

Further your speedcubing career with us! We are excited to work with promising or established speedcubers. In the interest of maximizing exposure, we are primarily looking to work with speedcubers who regularly podium and have exceptional rankings. B

Sponsoring a competition or event

We love supporting events -- big or small -- in exchange for brand exposure!. We love to support organizers and competitors. The following points are what we typically include with a competition sponsorship. Note that the quantity and amounts will va